Arco-Cavi Group Srl
Iscr. Reg. Soc. Trib. Milano 1931240 CF / PI IT 07038940966

Sede Operativa e Domicilio Fiscale
Via Peslago 36
23848 Oggiono - Italy

Sede Legale
Corso Garibaldi 49
20121 Milano - Italy
Are you looking for high quality low voltage cables, within standard or highly specialized characteristics? To be applied in traditional sites or in applications under severe environmental conditions?
Contact us: our R&D is ready to study the best solution for you, designing the cable upon your technical specifications and application requirements
we are here to engineer the right cable for you!
Iscr. Reg. Soc. Trib. Milano 1931240 CF / PI IT 07038940966
Sede Operativa e Domicilio Fiscale
Via Peslago 36
23848 Oggiono - Italy
Sede Legale
Corso Garibaldi 49
20121 Milano - Italy